Category Archives: Marketing

Articles on marketing your single family rent house.

The Rental Business: Rejecting an Application

Well, I could have named this post “Communicating the results after processing the application”, which would have been both accurate and less shocking, but we all know how to communicate good news, so there’s not much teaching required for that. … Continue reading

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The Rental Business: Showing Your Rental

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Let’s continue our discussion on how to show your rental. To recap, you are showing your house to pre-qualified tenants and you have taken safety precautions like the ones discussed in the previous post. Staging I made a reference to … Continue reading

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The Rental Business: Showing the Property – Safety Tips

Now that you have pre-qualified your prospective tenants, it is time to show them the house. Before you show them the house, you should have completed the steps discussed in the previous post. Here’s a quick recap: Pre-qualify them by … Continue reading

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The Rental Business: Talking To Prospective Tenants

Now that you have your tenant qualification criteria established, you are ready to answer calls from prospective tenants. If you have prepared your property as we have talked about on these blogs and if you are priced below market as … Continue reading

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The Rental Business: Pricing Your Rental

The next topic in this series on the business of owning and operating rental homes is pricing the rental. We have discussed how to purchase and prepare the property and bring it to market in earlier blogs. If you are … Continue reading

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The Rental Business: Marketing Your Property

In earlier posts we talked about how to buy foreclosures. Then we discussed how to fix them up and get them ready to rent. We dove into how to create a team, how to use leverage and the various benefits … Continue reading

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